Latest Episodes of No HUD
I Studied The Art of War To Get Better At Video Games | No HUD
Could Sun-Tzu timeless classic help a humble gamer on the virtual battlefield? Jake answers the questions nobody was asking and throws his precious at this dumb video.
Is Resident Evil In VR Worth Playing? | No HUD
Capcom keeps making VR modes for Resident Evil games, so today we’re gonna see if they are worth playing.
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Making Ghost Recon: Breakpoint as IMMERSIVE as Possible | No HUD
At launch Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was busted and kinda boring. But what if I told you that, in the five years since release, it has become one of the best Ghost Recon games of all time and an excellent open-world game?
You're Missing Out If You Only Play Resident Evil 4 Once | No HUD
Resident Evil 4 remake might be one of the most highly replayable single-player experiences of all time.
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